Our Reviewers Share Their Experiences
40+ years of acoustic community participation
We've got a record for excellence among our reviewers in the acoustic guitar community, and they have occasionally weighed in on our work in print. Below, you'll find a selection of articles, available for viewing or downloading, from a variety of publications that we think you will find interesting.
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Article by Von Jean Chapeau
Acoustice Boutique - Tommy's Guitar Lounge Goodall KCJ 6126
"The Many Facets of Guitar Builder James Goodall" by Stephen Cline
The Fretboard Journal Num16 Winter 2009
"Renowned luthier Goodall will host guitar workshop" by Craig TenBroeck
Carlsbad-Oceanside Today's Local News 01-27-2005
"James Goodall Guitars" by John Schroeter
Fingerstyle Guitar No13 January/February 1996
"Creating Instruments for Worship" by Tom Kraeuter
Psalmist Magazine Vol6 Num2 April/May 1991

Our Customers Share Their Experiences
We have a reputation for excellence
Winning awards is great, but our favorite moments are hearing that our guitars have met and exceeded your expectations. What follows is just a small sampling of the feedback that we receive from you - our satisfied customers. We'd love to hear from you about your experience with a Goodall Guitar, so feel free to drop us a line.

Next to the guitar I was ready to purchase was one of your Grand Concert models that had arrived the day before. I picked it up, played it, was amazed, played it some more and ended up buying it. I have been buying, selling, and collecting high quality vintage and new guitars (and playing) for over 20 years and have never been so excited about an instrument. I don't know what you are doing to make your guitars so different and outstanding but, please, keep doing it.
New York, NY
I have been in admiration of your guitars for awhile now, but the inevitable happened I had to purchase one! Its elegant beauty exceeded my expectations when I first saw it (one of the most beautiful Sitka tops I have seen). Ditto that for the unmatched, gorgeous tone it combines clarity and richness in a depth of character I have never before heard. Thank you for your dedication to building world-class guitars it really shows.
Raleigh, NC
The wood and colors on this guitar are stunning, but not even that compares to the sound of the instrument. The power of this guitar is quite remarkable. The tone, volume and sustain of the guitar are like nothing I have ever heard before.